Big Changes Ahead

I am selling Le Coudeau.

I had planned to stay in this house for a while and buy Theo out. But the divorce is not making any progress, due to the attorneys’ lack of ANY sense of urgency. I think in the end, selling both houses (in France and in Spain) will make it easier.

Anyway, my change of heart just ‘happened.’ The possibility of selling has been bubbling in the back of my brain for a while now, and you all know how much I love this place and how much effort I’ve put into it. But I woke up one morning and I was READY. I said to myself, this is a GREAT house…a great house for someone else to enjoy.

I called the realtor and 9 days later, it was on the market. It’s in the upper price tier for the area, but there are plenty of expats and Parisians with cash looking for country houses. The high-speed train connecting Paris to Bordeaux has increased sales, so fingers crossed, we get a good price for this place.

I’m ready for a new adventure. I seriously have the ‘7 year itch’ (even though it’s been 8 years). While I’ve thoroughly enjoyed bringing life back to this ancient property and was honored to be its custodian for these years, I’m ready to leave the memories I’ve made here in the past and move on. I feel it’s the healthiest thing to do right now.

As far as my future plans, who knows? I want to stay in France, as I still have 9 years left on my 10 year residency card. I am anxious to have the opportunity to drive around France, staying in different departments and explore neighborhoods until I find something that feels right. I’ve been looking on the internet at houses and realize how accustomed I have become to the peace and quiet of life in the countryside, the fresh air, the chirping birds, the privacy. So perhaps I will find something else in this area and be able to keep in touch with the broad circle of friends I have made, or perhaps I will really jump off the cliff and move to a completely different area and start from scratch. Either way, I am confident that I will find my groove.

Since you never know who might know someone…who might know someone…that might be looking for a fabulous property in France, here’s the link to the listing:

My next little blog project will be to do a before-and-after montage, just so that I have it to reminisce about my journey during my tenure here at Le Coudeau.

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8 Responses to Big Changes Ahead

  1. Wow… big change for you! I would love to know how you found your realtor, and how you like working with him. I may wish to refer a friend to him!
    Good luck Cindy! You are a trooper..

    • says:

      I have been following this realtor for years now. They are able to sell higher-end properties for their real value. I love that they only list NICE properties on their site, not all the crap that is for offer here. And they know how to attract the clientele that is buying. I just love my realtor and his wife. Very professional, yet I feel we’re friends, as well. I would recommend this firm, hands down, although they are very regional, based in Bergerac.

  2. Yvonne says:

    Cindy you gave done a fantastic job on this wonderful mansion!!! Restored it with respect for its age and history.
    Personally I hope you stay here – eventhough we are not exactly neighbours, but I for one hate losing you💝 from this region.

  3. Patricia louise Calderhead says:

    And so you are moving on! Can’t wait to see where you end up and what your next project is! Happy adventuring!

    • says:

      Hi Pat, Sorry for not responding to your last comment. Hope you’re doing well again. Wow, what an ordeal!

      Yes, it’s time to move on. You know me! I’m excited what the next chapter will reveal.

  4. Stewart Smth says:

    Sorry for the difficult time you are experiencing. We hope you land somewhere nice and soon. All the best!

  5. Anna says:

    This is so you. Restless Cindy. Adventurous Cindy. I wish you good luck!

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